Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop


Probiotics: Best Practices

What you need to know to understand and use Probiotics

Probiotics are supplements that provide beneficial bacteria for the gut to improve overall digestive and immune health. This blog will give you all the information you need as a health consumer to use probiotics effectively and with wisdom.

It’s Science!

According to the science of microbiology, we have both good and bad bacteria that live in our body. The largest gathering place of these bacteria are in the colon or large intestine. At some point, due to illness, diet, poor health, or overuse of antibiotics, the good bacteria decrease, and are overwhelmed by the bad bacteria. This can lead to further imbalances in our health and weakens our ability to ward off disease. Fortunately, probiotics can restore our “gut flora,” and improve our health and immune function.

The whole digestive tract benefits from exposure to probiotics even though much of the activity of the beneficial bacteria is in the large intestine. Our probiotics are formulated to withstand exposure to stomach acid and digestive secretions.

What form of Probiotics?

We recommend probiotics that are in both in capsule and powder form. The powder is meant to be mixed into water and is generally best not mixed with smoothies or foods. The capsules can be opened and mixed into water also. The mixture is then sipped and allowed to coat the throat, going down to the stomach and eventually reaching the intestines.

Taking probiotic capsules is for convenience and takes less time than mixing them in water. Most capsules are vegetarian, not gelatin based; they break down easily in the digestive track.

Take probiotics on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and last thing at night (if taking more than once a day). It is best to wait at least 10-15 minutes after taking your probiotics before taking any other herbs or supplements. However, if in a hurry you can wait as until as little as 1–5 minute has passed before taking other supplements or eating.

How to Preserve Probiotic Strength

Refrigerate your probiotics and keep cap tightly closed to avoid moisture in refrigerator.

Refrigeration helps the probiotics you purchased from us remain stable for many months. Keeping probiotics cool insures only a slight loss of potency long term.

Pour out capsules into the bottle cap to avoid touching extra capsules; this keeps the moisture on your hands from getting on probiotic capsules.

If using powder, use a clean, dry spoon to measure out probiotics.

Mix the powder with cold or room temperature water and consume within a short time; mixing probiotics with warm or hot liquids or foods can damage the microorganisms. Tip: use a small amount of water, or if need be, juice, about 1/2 cup to mix your probiotics in. After swallowing, drink another 1/2 cup of water further wash the mixture down.

Tips for Travel

If traveling only take the amount of probiotics you need; count out what you need for each day and put in a plastic bag or bottle; there is no problem bringing vitamins or supplements through airline security as the inspectors are used to seeing these items in luggage.

Try not to leave your capsules or powder in sunlight in a hot car if traveling; place supplements in shade inside a car; this will insure maximum survival of these microorganisms.

If stored or exposed at room temperature for days or a few weeks our probiotics will only lose 5-10% of potency during that time–which means short times of not being refrigerated won’t hurt the probiotics viability drastically.

Elders, Children, and Pets

There are exceptions to the rule of not taking probiotics with food. When there Is an elder person who can not swallow effectively, children who don’t like to take the probiotics mixture with water, or pets. With elders, the powder can be mixed in a little yogurt or applesauce and eaten by the spoonful. The works for children, too. The powder can be mixed with a small amount yogurt and honey, which makes it seem like a treat. For dogs or cats, the probiotic power can be added to wet food or a treat.

There’s Always More to Learn

The above information is what we give our patients to better understand how to take “beneficial bacteria” for best results. These basic ideas are often not explained when buying probiotics at health food stores or even by practitioners who recommend them. We will explain more about these essential supplements in later blogs. We will then cover the topics of probiotic strains, dosages, the science behind healing microorganisms, and further health benefits.