How to Make an Herbal Decoction

What is a Decoction?
An herbal tea made with roots and barks that cooks for almost an hour is called a Decoction. The purpose of a decoction is to deeply extract the healing principles of the harder parts of a plant. An Infusion is a tea made with flowers, leaves, and softer parts of a plant, usually extracted for about 15 minutes.
The directions here are for Decoction of 6 to 8 ounces of herbs
- Drink 3 to 6 ounces — 1 to 3 times a day
- Reheat tea in a saucepan on stove top (preferable to microwave)
- Honey can be added
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I cook the tea longer than an hour?
Yes, but most plant material will extract just fine in 50 minute to an hour. The extraction process continues in the cooling down phase. You don’t need to boil the herbs for hours.
- How do I know how much tea to drink?
If you are doing a general regimen like detoxification, then the standard dose is 4 ounces taken 3 times a day on an empty stomach. The herbalist usually suggests how much to take based on whether it is an acute or chronic condition. If you are a patient at our office, you will be given specific instructions. The minimum dose will be 1 ounce, 3 times a day.
- How long can the tea be stored in the refrigerator?
The rule of thumb is several weeks. It should be safe until you have finished the tea, even if you miss a few days by going out of town.
- How much tea will a gallon of water make?
By boiling the water and simmering for an hour you will lose some water to evaporation. You should end up with 3 and 3/4 quarts or 120 ounces. Taken by the 1/2 cup (4 ounces) at the rate of 3 times a day, this should last 10 days. Drinking 3 ounce doses, 3 times a day will make the tea last for 2 weeks.
- The tea doesn’t taste good, how do I drink this?
Some herb teas are bitter. It is easier to drink a strong or bitter-tasting tea in 1 ounce glasses (shot
glass) or in 3 ounce doses in a wine glass. A small dose can be swallowed quickly. A 1/2 cup full
can be sipped or gulped. Honey helps, if you can’t stand the taste.