Salt Baths for Health

Salt baths are beneficial and greatly healing in all forms. Since we all have different constitutions it is helpful to know who should take them and for what purpose. The following describes the various types of salt baths.
The Regular Salt Bath
Salt is chemically known NaCl or Sodium Chloride. This is what we think of as table salt. It is generally of low quality even if “iodized.” We recommend using sea salt that can be bought by the pound or by bulk at the health food store or places like our clinic. Companies that sell water purification supplies carry large bags of salt that may also be used if you are going to take many baths. In a pinch the regular table salt that is sold by the pound in the grocery stores may be used.
Instructions: pour a cup or two of salt into hot bath water as the tub is filling. Soak in the bath for twenty to thirty minutes or until the water cools. You may add your favorite essential oils to the bath. Many people like such oils as lavender or sandalwood because they aid in relaxation.
Benefits: strengthening, tonifying, energizing and relaxing. The regular salt bath makes the body more alkaline and increases the the ratio of minerals to fluid in the body. This is especially good for constitutional weakness, fatigue syndromes and sudden onset of colds.
The bath may be followed by a cool or neutral shower. If you live near the ocean (like we do in Florida) you should take time to soak in the greatest, healthiest salt bath we have available: the ocean!

The Epsom Salt Bath
Epsom salt is chemically known as Magnesium Sulfate. Epsom salt is a salt traditionally used as a relaxing and healing soak for sprained or bruised muscles. It may also be taken as a laxative by dissolving a teaspoonful into a glass of water and drinking it. Epsom salt is commonly available in drugstores and hardware stores. In addition to being a healing soak for aches, sprains and bruises, Epsom salt also detoxifies the internal organs when used in a bath.
Instructions: pour a cup or two of Epsom salt into hot bath water as the tub is filling. Soak in the bath for twenty or thirty minutes or until the water cools. Ideally the trunk (abdomen) should be immersed so the organs derive a direct benefit. Unlike the regular salt bath, Epsom salt soaks should only be undertaken once or twice a week unless directed by a knowledgeable health professional. They are detoxifying and thus may weaken those with a weak, fatigued or deficient constitution. It is fine for these types of people to take them occasionally. Epsom salt soaks are better for people who have a sound constitution but whose systems are overburdened with toxins and need cleansing.
Benefits: Detoxifying to the internal organs; clears stagnation; heals sprains, aches, and bruises; is a laxative if taken internally. As in the regular salt bath it is good to rinse off by a cool or neutral shower.

The Kneipp Salt Bath
Kneipp bath salts are commercial products that are available through the mail or on the Internet. They are natural mineral stone salts that are blended with pure herbal extracts. Such herbs as rosemary, juniper, linden, melissa (Lemon balm) and spruce and pine are used. These bath salts are gently exfoliating, toning and skin-softening. They are both energizing and relaxing with an overall strengthening effect. The Kneipp salt bath may be taken on a regular basis. It is recommended they be taken in a comfortably hot bath and followed by a cold or cool shower.
Dead Sea Mineral Salts Bath
Masada Dead Sea Mineral Salts are available at many health food stores and at our clinic. They supply tonification and alkalinization similar to the Regular Salt Bath or bathing in the ocean. However they also contain Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride and Calcium Chloride in addition to Sodium Chloride. In other words, they are mineral rich, and according to the manufacturer, pure and unprocessed. Dead Sea Mineral Salts have been known to help psoriasis, eczema, arthritis, aches, pains, sprains, itching and muscle spasms. Like other salt baths they are skin-softening and relaxing. Since they are both tonifying and detoxifying they would be appropriate for most constitutions. As in the regular salt bath it is good to rinse off by a cool or neutral shower.

Salt and minerals play an important part in our body’s fluid metabolism and its overall acid/alkaline balance. It is not by coincidence that the ratio of minerals to fluid in our bodies is similar to that found in sea water. Our bodies, like planet Earth herself, are mostly made of water and contain a solution of mineral salts much like the ocean. Let’s take advantage of this wisdom and take a relaxing, healing salt bath.