How to Use Probiotics

In this article we will be going over not only how to use Probiotics, but also how to maximize Probiotic effectiveness.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria. Taking antibiotics for infections can kill off the good bacteria
in the gut. Taking probiotics helps repair the damage done to your digestive tract from antibiotic
We recommend probiotics that are in both capsule and powder form. The powder is meant to be
mixed into water and is generally best not mixed with smoothies or foods. The capsules can be
opened and mixed into water also. The whole digestive tract benefits from exposure to probiotics
even though much of the activity of beneficial bacteria is in the large intestine. Our probiotics are
formulated to withstand exposure to stomach acid and digestive secretions.
- Taking probiotic capsules is for convenience and takes less time than mixing them in
water. The capsules are vegetarian, not gelatin based; they break down easily in the
digestive tract. - Take probiotics on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and last thing at night (if
taking more than once a day). It is best to wait 10-15 minutes after taking your probiotics
before taking any other herbs or supplements. - Refrigerate and keep cap tightly closed to avoid moisture in refrigerator
- Refrigeration helps the probiotics you purchased from us remain stable for many months.
Keeping probiotics cool insures only a slight loss of potency long term. - Pour out capsules into bottle cap to avoid touching extra capsules; this keeps the moisture
on your hands from getting on probiotic capsules. - If using powder, use a clean, dry spoon to measure out probiotics.
- If using powder, mix with cold or room temperature beverages and consume within a
short time; mixing probiotics with warm or hot liquids or foods can damage the
microorganisms. - If traveling only take the amount of probiotics you need; count out what you need for
each day and put in a plastic bag or bottle; there is no problem bringing probiotics or
supplements through airline security as the inspectors are used to seeing these items in
luggage. - Try not to leave probiotics in sunlight in a hot car if traveling; place supplements in shade
inside a car; this will insure maximum survival of these microorganisms. - If stored or exposed at room temperature for several weeks our probiotics will only lose
5% of potency during that time–which means short times of not being refrigerated won’t
hurt the probiotics viability. - Our supplier of probiotics is a lab with over 40 years of experience that have tested the
stability and strength of the different strains of microorganisms we use. You can rest
assured that there are scientists and clinicians who study our probiotics to achieve the
best results.

A home test for viability of probiotics:
1. Open 2 capsules of the probiotics and pour the contents in a cup of milk
2. Let the cup sit out at room temperature for 48 hours.
3. Observe the milk for clouding and thickening with curds; there may also be a smell.
Changes in color, consistency, and smell indicate the microorganisms in the probiotics
are live and growing. No change in the milk indicates the cultures in the probiotics are
Probiotics are great to help replenish your body after a course of antibiotics. It’s important to know how to maximize the effectiveness of probiotics, but if you’re looking to further boost your immune system, make sure you check out our Immune System Program. It’s packed with products to help boost your Immune System so you can stay healthy and active!