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ADHD Alternatives


A Natural Approach to Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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ADHD Alternatives – Aviva Romm and Tracy Romm

ADHD Alternatives – Aviva Romm and Tracy Romm

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed, and misdiagnosed, disorders in children. This guide focuses on the root causes of ADHD and offers a natural and holistic approach to combat the disorder, encouraging families to find solutions that don’t rely on psychostimulant drugs like Ritalin. Discover the many benefits of treating ADHD with a mixture of nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, and parenting techniques that foster self-esteem, creativity, self-discipline, and confidence.

With attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) becoming one of the most commonly diagnosed (and misdiagnosed) disorders of childhood, and with the prescription of Ritalin and other powerful psychostimulant drugs reaching alarming proportions, it is time to take a fresh look at what ADHD is, and what it is not.

In this thoughtful and empowering book, Aviva and Tracy Romm guide parents and educators in taking a more holistic, natural, and effective approach to problems of attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. They offer insights into the root causes of ADHD and share their inspiring advice on addressing a child’s unique needs through nutrition; herbal medicine; and loving, understanding parenting that fosters self-esteem, creativity, confidence, and self-discipline.


About the Authors:

Author Image for ADHD Alternatives

Aviva Romm and Tracy Romm have been working a a husband-and-wife team since 1984. Aviva Romm is a certified professional midwife and herbalist who has been practicing family-centered health care since 1983. She is the secretary and the director of eductaion for the American Herbalists Guild and the author of several books, including Naturally Healthy Babies and Children and The Natural Pregnancy Book. She is the director of LifeCycles Midwifery and Herbalism.
Tracy Romm holds a doctorate inb educational administration. He was a high school teacher for nine years and, until recently, was the director of a high school for gifted children that has a large population of students who have been diagnosed with ADHD. He is currently an educational consultatnt and Education Director for LifeCycles.
The Romms are parents of four children.


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