Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop




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Availability: 25 in stock

Western Bulk Herbs – Bugleweed

Western Bulk Herbs – Bugleweed is most helpful for overactive thyroid glands, but it also helps with palpitations and can be applied wherever they may occur. This herb can also help relieve irritating coughs, especially if they’re based on nerve activity. This herb has been used as a dye, and it pairs well with other nervines such as skullcap or valerian. Do not use if you have an under-active thyroid.

Latin Name:
Lycopus americanus

Common Name:
American water horehound, American bugleweed

Parts Used:
Aerial parts

Cardioactive, diuretic, peripheral, vasoconstrictor, astringent, sedative, thyrocine antagonist, anti-tussive.

Traditional Uses:
Can be used as a dye and harvested for food.

Internal Applications:
Drinking infusions or tinctures of this herb can help with over-active thyroid, as well as help strengthen a weak heart.

Topical Uses / Applications:

Culinary Uses:
This herb can be foraged and eaten, though it is best to cook it to remove the bitter taste. The stems and tubers are said to taste like artichoke, though the herb has a very small yield.

Chemical Properties:
Flavone glycosides, volatile oil, tannins

Folk Lore:
Some stories exist of gypsy people using this herb to darken their skin, but this is lacking proper citation.


*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


David Hoffman’s The New Holistic Herbal

Bugleweed, Wild Edible and Alternative Herbal Remedy

Flavor Image for Category Bulk Western Herbs

Weight 1 oz


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