Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

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Hawthorn Berries


Price per Ounce

Availability: 91 in stock

Western Bulk Herbs – Hawthorn Berries

Surrounded by history since the Middle Ages, hawthorn berries have been used as a powerful healing herb. Today, it’s used to treat kidney and bladder stones. Research shows it to be even more helpful to promoting a healthy heart. It allows blood flow to reach the heart and reduces the incidence of angina (spasm of blood vessels). It is also used to improve the muscle walls for the circulatory system. Your blood pressure may be improved when using hawthorn berries.

Latin Name:
Crataegus monogyna

Common Names:
Harthorne, Crataegus laevigata (Midland hawthorn), Crataegus monogyna (English hawthorn), Aubepine, Bianco Spino, Crataegi Fructus, Crataegus cuneata, Crataegus oxyacantha, Crataegus pinnatifida, English Hawthorn, Epine Blanche, Epine de Mai, Haagdorn, Hagedorn, Harthorne, Haw, Hawthrone, Hedgethorn, May, Maybush, Maythorn, Mehlbeebaum, Meidorn, Nan Shanzha, Oneseed Hawthorn, Shanzha, Weissdorn, Whitehorn.

Parts Used:
The whole berry, dried. Can be crushed and powdered. It can also be made into capsules and extracts

Cardiac, diuretic, astringent, tonic

Traditional Uses:
Used more as tinctures than teas, smoothies and punches.

Topical Uses / Applications:

Culinary Uses:
Not normally used in cooking but can be added to boost the heart and has been known to treat rectal bleeding when made into a tea.

Chemical Properties:
Flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins.

GRAS: Generally Recognized As Safe. This herb can be safely consumed when used appropriately. Hawthorn may potentiate other cardiac medicines, such as digitalis. Excessive doses may cause diarrhea.

Folk Lore:
Europe and the British Isles The folklore and legends surrounding the hawthorn tree is quite fruitful. Legends goes back many centuries, especially in Britain for the Holy Thorn of Glastonbury, the supposed resting place of King Arthur. The legend goes thus– Joseph of Arimathea thrust his staff into the ground and the tree grew from it. it blooms in the winter and tradition to England is to send a sprig to the Queen and she will use it as decoration for her Christmas morning breakfast table.

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2000. Medical Economics Company, Montvale, New Jersey.

The New Holistic Herbal. David Hoffmann, 1990. Barnes and Noble Books, New York.

A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. Grieve, (Dover Publications, New York, 1971)

Major Herbs of Ayurvedic.Compiled by Dahur Research Foundation and Dahur Ayurvet Limited, Ghaziabad, India., 2002. Churchill Livingstone, London, England.

Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica, Third Edition, Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble, 1986. Eastland Press, Seattle, WA.

Weight 1 oz


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