Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop


Kudzu Root (Ge Gen)


Price per Ounce

Availability: 44 in stock

Chinese Bulk Herbs – Kudzu (Ge Gen)

Accelerates rash at early stages in measles. Kudzu vine root works to relieve muscles tension. It is also recommended for allergies, migraine headaches, and diarrhea. Recent studies show Kudzu helps with alcoholism and hangovers.

This vine can help with fluid production, expectoration, and alleviate fever symptoms.

Kudzu is a prolific vine that has roots with medicinal properties. The vine hails from Japan and it has found its way into many regions of the world.

Clinical Use (Chinese):
Releases muscles, clears heat, Nourishes fluids, alleviates thirst, accelerates rash at early stages in measles.

Latin Name:
Pueraria lobata
Pueraria montana

Chinese Name:
Ge Gen

Common Names:
Japanese arrowroot, Chinese arrowroot, east asian arrowroot

Parts Used:

Arid, cool and sweet. Works on the spleen and stomach.

None at this time.

Folk Lore:
Originally brought in from China to deal with another weed in Southern US, it has since become an unfortunate agricultural problem of the South, where it’s taken over millions of acres with no natural predators and a perfect climate in which to thrive. It is now being studied to help with alcoholism and hangovers. The research is very promising for help those with an alcohol dependence.

References: Pacific College of Oriental Medicine – https://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2014/06/23/kudzu-curbing-alcoholic-urges. Alternative & Integrative Medicine. Author: Rajput, Altern Integ Med 2014, 3:2 — http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2327-5162.1000152 – http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Flavor Image for Category Bulk Chinese Herbs

Weight 1 oz


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