Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop


Lycii Berries (Gou Qi Zi)


Price per Ounce

Availability: 27 in stock

Chinese Bulk Herbs – Lycii Berries (Gou Qi Zi)

Lycii or Goji berry has traditionally used for treatment of cancer and heart problems. It’s also good for the central nervous system since Lycii berries have neuro protective properties. It is also used to treat impaired vision due to age. The tea extracted from the bark of the tree has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects.

Lycii berries are known as a super-fruit because they have lots of antioxidant in them. More so than Acai berry, the pomegranate, or the mangosteen. They have been included in Chinese herbal formula for thousands of years. They are also a part of the Chinese cuisine and are easily found at herb stops and Asian grocery stores.

Goji, Wolfberry and Lycii berries are all the same type of plant and they do the same thing when used as an herbal remedy.

Clinical Use (Chinese):
A yin cooling tonic. Goji berries are valued in Chinese medicine and are used to strengthen the immune system, as a sexual tonic, improve vision, and as a liver and kidney tonic.

Latin Name:
Lycium barbarum

Chinese Name:
Gou Qi Zi

Common Names:
Lycii Berry, Chinese Wolf Berry, Goji, Wolfberry and Lycii berry. Aslo known as Goji Berries , Lycii berry, Boxberry, Boxthorn, Chinese boxthorn, Himalayan goji, Tibetan goji, mede berry, barbary matrimony vine, red medlar, matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll’s tea tree, Duke of Argyll’s tea plant, Murali

Parts Used:
Whole berries
You can eat the berries whole or add then to teas or any type of food. The taste good with a little sweet berry taste.

Abortifacient, Antioxidant, Refrigerant, Tonic, and Vermifuge. Contains Beta-sitosterol, Betaine, Beta-carotene, Niacin, Pyridoxine, and Ascorbic acid.

Should not be used by pregnant women any time. They will dry up a mother’s milk.

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

**This information is provided to assist trained practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine with selection of products. If you are not familiar with these formulas or concepts please consult an acupuncturist or herbal practitioner trained in the use of Chinese herbs or refer to more in-depth reference materials. Chinese herbal remedies are meant to improve health and function, not act as a substitute for medical care.

Flavor Image for Category Bulk Chinese Herbs

Weight 1 oz


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