Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop


Pinellia and Magnolia Formula


Ban Xia Hou Po Wan

200 pills

Availability: 7 in stock

Plum Flower Pinellia and Magnolia Formula

Plum Flower Pinellia and Magnolia Formula can help to Regulate the Qi, Descend Rebellious Qi, Dissipate Clumps, as well as Transform Phlegm

Phlegm and Qi stagnation affecting the throat and esophagus resulting in “plum pit Qi”, presenting with a sensation of something being caught in the throat, throat clearing, difficulty swallowing, chest oppression, inability to breathe deeply, frequent sighing, may be accompanied by cough with white phlegm, bloating, nausea, vomiting. Symptoms are initiated or exacerbated by stress or emotional upset. Tongue: moist, greasy coat Pulse: wiry, tight, slippery

Biomedical Applications:
dysphagia, globus hystericus, neurosis, hysteria, anxiety disorders, functional gastrointestinal disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal spasms, tracheitis, chronic laryngitis, chronic pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema

Standard Dosage:
8 pills, 3 x day.

Clinical Dosage:
Administer Plum Flower Pinellia and Magnolia Formula half an hour before or one hour after eating. In acute or severe disorders, dosage may be increased to 8-12 pills 3 times per day, then reduced to a maintenance dose as the treatment takes effect. May be used short to medium-term for a few weeks to a month. Once the acute symptoms of this condition are resolved, this formula should be discontinued, or combined with an appropriate constitutional formula.

Poria cocos fungus, Pinellia ternata rhizome-gingered, Magnolia officinalis bark, Zingiber officinale rhizome-fresh, Perilla frutescens leaf. – Fu ling, Jiang ban xia, Hou po, Sheng jiang, Zi su ye.

Cautions & Contraindications:
Contraindicated for conditions due to Yin deficiency or excess heat. Use with caution during pregnancy.

About Plum Flower:

Plum Flower products were created by Mayway to ensure that high-quality, safe and effective products would be available in America and Europe. Our wide range of products include species-authenticated herbs, high quality extracts and classical formulations, as well as modern, innovative Chinese medicinal products. We apply advanced quality standards to our products while maintaining the essence and wisdom of our ancient herbal traditions.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

**This information is provided to assist trained practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine with selection of products. If you are not familiar with these formulas or concepts, please consult an acupuncturist or herbal practitioner trained in the use of Chinese herbs or refer to more in-depth reference materials. Chinese herbal remedies are meant to improve health and function, not act as a substitute for medical care.

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 1.75 × 1.75 × 3.5 in


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