Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop


Turmeric and Black Pepper Capsules


100 Capsules per Unit

Healing Waters Clinic Turmeric and Black Pepper Capsules

Healing Waters Clinic Turmeric and Black Pepper Capsules

Turmeric and Black pepper capsules, handmade from the herbalists at Healing Waters Clinic. These come in bags of approximately 100 capsules and are made with the finest quality herbs and held to high standards of quality.

Turmeric is a powerful herb. Used around the world as a dye, as a culinary ingredient, as medicine, and even ceremonially. Turmeric has powerful properties for reducing inflammation and fighting back disease. If you are experiencing stiff joints, inflamed joints, or difficulty moving or ambulating about without pain or strain then turmeric would be the first place to start for relief.

Black pepper is an herb with a wide range of uses as well. Here, it provides digestive aid to help improve the absorption rate of the turmeric into the body.

Peppers have been used to relieve nausea and stimulate the appetite. In tests, black pepper exhibits stimulating properties that show that it has the ability to work on constipations and the urinary organs. The herb will also correct flatulence (gas) and stimulant action to aid in digestion.

Herbs contained in this blend:

Black Pepper – Piper nigrum


*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Weight 2.5 oz


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