Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

Soft Tissue Manipulation

Hands-on Healing using Massage and Manipulation

Call 904-826-1965 to make an appointment

Soft Tissue Manipulation is hands-on healing using massage and manipulation. The soft tissues are muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia (connective tissue).

Soft Tissue Manipulation is also a term used by some practitioners (like us) to refer to a suite of integrated techniques that:

  • Release adhesions, trigger points, fibrous muscles, myofascial strain, and spasms
  • Structurally align the body
  • Relieve pain and biomechanical dysfunction
  • Balance function (physiology) with structure (anatomy)
  • Promote optimal fluid metabolism (blood, lymph, interstitial, cerebrospinal)
  • Reduce nervous system stress
  • Support function and increase wellness

This sounds like a lot, but it is accurate in the hands of an experienced practitioner. The integrated system of therapies put forth by Leon Chaitow, D. O. in Soft Tissue Manipulation is one we have studied and practiced for many years. These are osteopathic soft tissue techniques that have been taught in the massage therapy profession. These techniques include:

  • Muscle energy technique
  • Strain/counter strain
  • Neuromuscular technique
  • Positional release

Chaitow’s concept of INIT or Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique combines the use of the above therapies to target dysfunctional tissues and eliminate pain. Clinical experience (ours and others) indicate that the integrative approach works far better than just massage or joint strengthening. Elite practitioners like Teresa Schmidt, DPT’s approach which she calls Integrate Neuromuscular Re-Education confirms Dr. Chaitow’s experience and ours.