Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

Your Health Matters to Us!

Call us for an appointment 904-826-1965

For over two decades we’ve been looking for the best natural health care solutions for our patients. We’ve taken seminars, advanced classes, and done lots of research to determine the most effective methods of integrative natural medicine. When we talk about “the philosophy of natural healing,” it means something that is down to earth, practical, and works in real life.

Knowledge + Practice + Experience = Excellence and Positive Results

When we share the simple yet powerful ideas of wholistic healing with our patients, the most common comment is “Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?”

We’re here to help empower you and help you ignite your body’s self-healing capacity.

Continue exploring our site by clicking on the buttons on the left or the links below to learn about:

Your Health Matters to Us!
Health Care vs. Disease Care
The Real Wellness Model
Wholistic Health
Integrative Natural Healing
The Vital Force
The Laws of Healing

Also check out our Learn More section for the nuts and bolts of how our treatments work.

The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.”
-William Osler-

The first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.”
-William Osler-