Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop



Promotes Rejuvenation and Proper Function of the Immune System

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Banyan Botanicals Chyavanprash

Banyan Botanicals Chyavanprash Supports proper function of the immune system and is an Excellent rejuvenative for the mind and body.

  • Promotes a healthy metabolism*
  • Supports healthy lungs and respiration*

Our Chyavanprash is based on a traditional Ayurvedic herbal jam recipe made in a base of amalaki fruit, a natural source of antioxidants. This excellent rejuvenative nourishes and strengthens the body, providing energy and vitality.

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Chyavanprash is an excellent method for daily herbal consumption due to its unique constituents of cane sugar, ghee, and honey. Proven effective over a thousand years of use, these nourishing tastes play the important role of “carriers” that allow the herbs to penetrate deep into the tissues. In a small daily dose (1 or 2 teaspoons), this healthy jam makes for a tasty and very healthful treat.

This tridoshic formula stimulates metabolism and enkindles the digestive fire without aggravating pitta. It balances vata and kapha while strengthening the body against the effects of a stressful lifestyle. The energizing herbs bolster the immune system and help maintain health and well-being throughout the year.*

Suggested Use:

1–2 teaspoons, once or twice daily, or as directed by your health practitioner.
This jam tastes delicious on its own, mixed into a cup of warm milk (dairy or nut) or water, or spread on toast.

Possible Contraindications:

Not to be used during pregnancy.


Cane sugar+, Honey+, Ghee (clarified butter)+, Amla fruit (Amalaki)+, Cardamom seed+, Ashwagandha root+, Long Pepper fruit (Pippali)+, Malabar Nut Tree leaf (Vasaka)+, Chebulic Myrobalan fruit (Haritaki)+, Boerhavia root (Punarnava)+, Yellow-fruit Nightshade herb (Kantakari) +, Tribulus fruit (Gokshura)+, Finger-leaf Morning Glory root (Vidari Kanda)+, Indian Tinospora stem (Guduchi)+, Kaempferia galanga root+, Shatavari root+, Cyperus root (Musta) +, Bael Tree fruit (Bilva)+.

+Certified Organic

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Flavor Image for Bulk Ayurvedic Herbs

Weight 17.6 oz


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