Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

Chapman's Reflexes

Chapman's Neurolymphatic Reflexes

Call 904-826-1965 to make an appointment

Chapman’s Reflexes are body reflex points, similar to acupressure points, that balance lymphatic function through the nervous system. For this reason, they are called “neurolymphatic” reflexes. According to Fred Mitchell, Jr., D.O., Chapman’s Reflexes are useful for:

  • Assessment or diagnosis
  • Influencing lymph movement
  • Balancing visceral function

This allows the clinician to increase lymphatic function, and thus decrease lymphatic stagnation. Such lymphatic mobilization supports immune function and helps detoxify the tissues. Chapman’s reflexes help balance the relationship between organs and body structure, which are known as viscerosomatic or somatovisceral reflexes. This can help both stress on the organs and stress on body posture, thus relieving many mysterious symptoms. In natural healing, Chapman’s Reflexes allows the practitioner to improve a patient’s digestion,  support elimination, decrease pain, and balance endocrine function. In medicine, Chapman’s Reflexes have been used as an additional tool for diagnosis.

At Healing Waters Clinic we integrate Chapman’s Reflexes with muscle energy technique and craniosacral balancing. Muscle energy technique balances the pelvic structure, which when out of alignment, in Chapman’s Reflex theory, causes thyroid dysfunction. Cranial work is used to mobilize whole body lymphatic and interstitial fluids. We have found that this helps patients who have chronic depressed immune function, hypothyroidism, poor digestion, neuralgia, and pelvic congestion. While Chapman’s Reflexes are not a miracle healing technique, we have found them valuable when there is structural-functional entanglement that produces symptoms of pain and chronic ill health.  Chapman’s Reflexes also integrate well with other natural healing therapies like nutritional healing, hydrotherapy, yoga, Western herbs, macrobiotics, raw foods, etc.