Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

Holistic Practices

Healing of the Whole Body

Call for an appointment 904-826-1965

Health and wellness are dependent on far more than taking a pill or receiving a treatment. A whole range of lifestyle factors, emotional stresses, life situations, and habit patterns play a significant role in health. Stress, which is a major element of disease, comes in many forms:

  • Physical stress – repetitive motion, structural misalignment, trauma, biomechanical dysfunction, pain.
  • Metabolic stress – inadequate nutrition, vitamin and nutrient deficiency, poor digestion and assimilation, lower body temperature, stagnant peristalsis, stressed endocrine system.
  • Mental and Emotional stress – habitual thinking, survival issues, tension, social and cultural restrictions, life overload, family problems.
  • Spiritual stress – lack of purpose in life, no outlet for creativity, feeling that one is “out of place.”

Our approach is to teach fundamental wellness principles and easy to apply methods that complement the treatments you receive at our clinic. Sometimes creative problem solving must come into play to identify key stressors that overwhelm the patient’s ability to heal.

Examples of Holistic Practices we offer:

Wellness Modalities – Progressive Relaxation, Attitudinal Healing, Abdominal Breathing, Basic Stretching, Self-Massage.

Health Education – Conscious Eating, Five Steps of Rehabilitation, Activities of Daily Living, Wellness Attitudes, Mind Body Awareness, Healthy Exercise.

Integrative Therapies – Movement Therapy, Aromatherapy, Hydrotherapy, Posture Awareness, Sound Therapy.

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Mental health practitioners slowly turning to holistic practices