Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

The American System of Lymphatic Therapy

Lymphatic Therapy

Call 904-826-1965 to make an appointment

The “American System” of Lymphatic Therapy was practiced in the early decades of the 20th Century by Dr. Thomas T. Lake, D. C. It is actually more of a lymphatic manipulation than a massage. We have adapted Dr. Lake’s concepts to modern therapy and use them whenever we need to influence lymph and reduce swelling in tissues from trauma or structural misalignment. Other uses for Lymphatic therapy are detoxification, sports injuries, chronic infections, car accidents, and as an adjunct to myofascial release and cranial work.

We also use the Lake technique to regulate physiology. As an example we might need to drain congestion in the sinuses and other body cavities that create conditions for allergies. We integrate this lymphatic manipulation with Craniopathy for our “sinus treatment.” (See our page on Craniopathy for more information).

For additional information on lymphatic therapy, you can check out our page on lymphatic massage and Chapman’s Reflexes.