Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop


Simple Yet Powerful Healing

Supporting Image for Article Page ReflexologyReflexology stimulates increased circulation, increased nerve flow or healing to a corresponding distant organ, structure or body part. It is commonly known as Foot Reflexology, since that is the location of the most massaged set of reflex points.

In Reflexology the thumbs or fingers are “walked” over the foot, hand or ear to find tender points. If found, these tender points or reflexes are massaged or pressed to elicit a mild “hurts good” sensation. This pressure treatment is often combined with foot massage, making this type of therapy a refreshing and relaxing stress break in addition to being a valuable therapy.

Zone Therapy:

Reflexology was originally known as Zone Therapy. While it may have been practiced in ancient times, Reflexology was the creation of a medical doctor, Dr. William Fitzgerald, in the early part of the 20th century. His work, which he called Zone Therapy, was adapted and further developed by another medical doctor, who was also a chiropractor and naturopath, Dr. Joe Shelby Riley.

Dr. Riley’s assistant was Eunice D. Ingham who popularized Zone Therapy in two books entitled Stories the Feet Can Tell and Stories the Feet Have Told. It was Eunice Ingham who taught this work to many others as Reflexology. She traveled all over the United States teaching this method. Her nephew Dwight W. Byers carried on this teaching through the International Institute of Reflexology, located in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Conditions Reflexology Can Help:

Because Reflexology is a general, whole-body therapy it is good for practically everything. Some of the conditions it is known to have helped include back painneck painbedwettingconstipationsinus congestion, inflammation of the eyes, urinary problems, digestive upset, kidney stones, headache, asthma, circulatory problems, heart palpitations, irritable bowel, depression, nervousness, Additional Supporting Image for Article Page Reflexologygall bladder, neuralgia, anxiety, menstrual difficulties and more.

Reflexology is also an antidote to stress-the massage of the feet is very relaxing and soothing. Reflexology is safe for most people and can be done on all ages from infants to elders. There are very few contraindications for Reflexology. A modified version of Reflexology is performed or pregnant women because of the stimulating nature of the pressure points on the feet.